Borrowing and more

The MUT card from the University of Toulouse provides access to lending services at IMT Mines Albi and all libraries on the UFTMiP network.

For outsiders, registration is required.

My account

From Archipel, you may access all your information as a reader and manage your loans.


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Log in.

Save your searches and put your favourite documents in your shopping cart so you can find them easily.


By logging in on Archipel, remote access to ressources is simplified



Who can borrow ?


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Any person holding the Multiservices card from the University of Toulouse (MUT card) or an authorised reader card from the library network.

For other people, a registration is required.

What can I borrow ?

With the exception of some encyclopaedias, all documents present in the reading room may be borrowed, including novels and comics.

All magazine issues are available for borrowing, for a maximum period of two weeks.

What are the rules of borrowing ?

Students, trainees, outsiders7 documents for 3 weeks
Research-teachers, PhD students, staff15 documents for 8 weeks
Substitute teachers, incubatees10 documents for 3 weeks

In the event of a delay in one of the libraries on the network, the lender will be blocked in all libraries.


All readers can extend their loan, subject to the maximum loan term rules.

To do so, very simple, login to Archipel!


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Click on your name, then on My loans.


Renewal impossible in 2 cases:

  • if you are already late on this loan
  • if the document is already booked by another reader
Shuttle service and booking

To learn more about the availability of a document, you can click on the title and search IMT Mines Albi on the "Get It" Section.

You didn’t find any copy available? You can ask another library to send theirs!

Click on “Sign In”, then log in and you will be able to see the "Request" button.


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Choose your collection point: IMT Mines Albi and validate. You will receive an email as soon as your document is ready.

The Shuttle service also works for returns! You can take them back to the library of your choice.



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The shuttle connects IMT Mines Albi and the libraries of UT1, UT2J, UPS, INSA, ISAE, ENAC, INP, INUC, including regional centres (Castres, Figeac, Tarbes, Rodez...)