
All along the process of publishing, which is currently inextricably linked to the deployment of Open Science, a consultancy and support service is offered to authors. 

Which paths to take?

The main goal is to help the publisher:

  • find their way in a constantly evolving offer,
  • appropriate the major benchmarks in terms of open dissemination
  • while keeping control of public funds (documentary and research budget).

The main recommendation is the deposit in the open archive HAL IMT Mines Albi.

Warning... "Predatory publishers"

In this environment, a particular vigilance must be developed regarding practices of certain editors known as ‘predators’. The so called ‘author-pays’ Gold model is suggested, without any guarantee of reviewing nor scientific requirements. Theses offers are commonly, but not exclusively, addressed in ‘push’ mode to young researchers.


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Seeking advice from professionals of scientific and technical information could help identifying theses frauds. 

The following is a card on How to avoid predatory publishers?


A number of tools and resources are also recommended: 



A preprint is the version of an article which has not yet been submitted to a journal, nor reviewed, proofread or approved by peers.
Although in certain disciplines such as physics or mathematics, preprint distribution is common and doesn’t impact subsequent publication in journals, in engineering sciences, authors must be more wary. Indeed, editors may reject the manuscript, because it is deemed not to have a unique character.
The Library can provide authors with assistance with the steps of publication, especially regarding the decision on whether or not to distribute preprints.

Mastering and preserving copyrights

Writing, submitting, disseminating and sharing are all steps for an author to consider in light of their rights and responsibilities regarding intellectual property. 

As a reference 35 pieces of advice tool card from the Ministry of Higher Education.

In the context of deployment of The Open Access and particularly the Gold model, vigilance regarding publishing contracts is primordial. 

The law of a Digital Republic (07/10/2016) has allowed after a 6-month lasting embargo ( for science and technology), to deposit the author’s version of the article in an open archive regardless of the deadlines imposed by the publisher.


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In addition, Creative Commons licenses are means to be mobilized to provide protections and guarantees to authors. sont un moyen à mobiliser pour apporter des protections et garanties aux auteurs.


Thus, the CC-BY license applied at each step of submitting an article allows an immediate open access to the author’s version. This ‘ non transfer of rights strategy’ is promoted by The National plan for Open Science and is in line with the requirements of funding agencies (cOAlition S).