
Discover all formats and content we suggest supporting our public in their in their documentary research.

The Library staff is fully committed to supporting and training its public, whether they are students, doctoral candidates, teachers, or staff.

Training integrated into student curricula

Real attention is given to the development of information literacy skills throughout the student curriculum. The entire team of documentalists is involved in training students, apprentices, and master's students.   
Interventions happen out at the request of the teachers responsible for the modules and are integrated into the teaching units.  

Example of teaching units:   
Socio-technical controversies (1st year students ), research projects ( 2nd year students), enterprise project  ( apprentices) …. More on the pedagogic platform Campus

A step-by-step journey for PhD students

PhD students are trained on documentary resources and advanced methods for their thesis at the very first stage of their journey. On their final year, they are invited to a session of writing and answering their concerns on the manuscript (author’s rights, title page..)

Services for researchers

The support for researchers in enhancing the value of their scientific production (publications, data), publishers and publication models, their digital identity, and navigating copyright issues is provided through workshops, but primarily on an individual basis, upon request.

Our formats in pictures