Researchers Identifiers

The digital identity of a researcher is a key element in enhancing the visibility of the researcher and their scientific production in the digital age and an increasingly competitive research environment. A distinct identity allows a unique and enduring identification of am author and their research product. 

The library’s team supports researchers in deploying a strategy to enhance their digital identity.

Diversity of Researchers Identifiers
Comparative table of the main Researchers Identfiers
 ORCIDIdRefPublons (ex ResearcherID)Scopus Author IDIdHAL
Developped byNGOABES (France)Clarivate AnalyticsScopusCCSD
Created bythe researcherABESthe researcherautomaticthe researcher
IntegrationArticles, projects, research, PubMed, Scopus, WOSSudoc,, Calames, PerséeWOSScopusHAL
Researcher's ProfilePublic / URLNoPublic / URLPublic / URLPublic / Url
Infos / ProfileCustumizableNoCustumizableNo possibility to enrich Custumizable in HAL CV
PublicationsAll types + Peer-reviewingThesis, booksWOS + all types + Peer-reviewingScopusAll types
NoNoH index, collaborations, quotingH index, collaborations, quotingWidgets in HAL CV
ExchangesScopus Author Identifier Publons and IdRef + APIORCID, IdHalORCIDORCIDORCID et IdRef
Source : INRAE, "Identifiant chercheur : pourquoi est-ce utile voire nécessaire ?", 2020
Focus on ORCID and IDHAL

The library recommends the creation and updating of two identifiers, not-for-profit and open:


orcid-logo.png, par Npailhe

  • Orcid which is an international identifier, is required by a large number of publishers and funders. It has the advantage of being interoperable with other databases and allows for the communication of extensive information about one's scientific and professional career (professional background, education, reviewing activities, projects, publications).


  • Idhal is linked to the open archive HAL. It will allow for the grouping of all author forms associated with a researcher, as well as all their publications listed in HAL."

A l'occasion des Journées Science Ouverte 2022, des stands ont été organisés dans les centres permettant l'accompagnement des auteurs dans la prise en main et mise à jour des ID.


jso-affiche-stands-small.png, par Npailhe

The library can provide advice and assistance for the creation, updating, and interconnection of these identifiers.