Our missions

Submitted by admin-jfages on Mon, 04/03/2023 - 21:57

The library carries out a mission of Scientific and Technical Information (IST) for IMT Mines Albi. As such, it is in charge of managing the IST process within the School's quality approach. The library reports to the Executive Management.

Documentation offer and services

The printed and electronic resources made available are in line with the teaching provided at the School and the themes of the research centres.


Making a bibliography

Submitted by admin-jfages on Mon, 04/03/2023 - 21:51

The bibliography is an essential part of the work, reports and memoirs produced during the study cycles.

The library offers you a presentation model for your bibliography and quotes.

Specifically tailored to students needs, this guide provides all the keys you need to certify the origin and relevance of your sources.

Filing a thesis

Submitted by admin-jfages on Mon, 04/03/2023 - 21:45

The Library associated with the Research and Innovation Directorate assists doctoral students during a meeting organized prior to the defense phase to optimize the official submission of their thesis.

For more information, an instruction is available on the MIN RVD-RED intranet, in the "Submit My Thesis" section. 

2 contacts at your service based on your question:

The "Docthese" list: for submission and reporting (Documentation Center)
The "Bureau-doctorants" list: for administrative support (PhD Students Office)


Submitted by admin-jfages on Mon, 04/03/2023 - 21:44

Bibliometrics relies on tools designed for measuring, optimizing, and evaluating the production and visibility of scientific publications. 

Researchers Identifiers

Submitted by admin-jfages on Mon, 04/03/2023 - 21:44

The digital identity of a researcher is a key element in enhancing the visibility of the researcher and their scientific production in the digital age and an increasingly competitive research environment. A distinct identity allows a unique and enduring identification of am author and their research product. 

The library’s team supports researchers in deploying a strategy to enhance their digital identity.

Research Data

Submitted by admin-jfages on Mon, 04/03/2023 - 21:43

Research data is defined as a factual registration (digits, texts, images, and sounds), which is used as a principal source for scientific research and is generally acknowledged by the scientific community as necessary to validate research results. 


Submitted by admin-jfages on Mon, 04/03/2023 - 21:42

HAL is a national open archive that allows perennial archiving and open access dissemination of scientific content mainly resulting from French research.