• Marketing

    Statista database

    Toutes les statistiques à portée de clic !

  • Femme & Science

    Women and science

    Pour accompagner l'exposition #ImindTheLiberty, le Centre de documentation propose une sélection d'ouvrages et de revues sur les femmes et les sciences.

  • Concours

    Bookmarks contest for students

  • Wiley

    14 000 ebooks in test until June 30th!

    Test the English ebooks of the publishers “Wiley” and “Taylor & Francis”: the most consulted will be purchased for the Library

  • Business Man

    The library is present remotly for you!

    Find out how services are organized remotely and all the resources that you have access to

  • Ressources

    Additional resources during the quarantine

    Discover the editors and platformers’ initiatives to make several resources available during the COVID-19 crisis.

  • The Library is open!

    From July 15, the Library team is happy to welcome you again! Find here the opening hours for the Summer
    Annual closure: August 3rd to August 14 

  • Navette

    All books from the University of Toulouse available by the shuttle bus

    New service: Shuttle bus for all books on Archipel catalogue